Brand Lucidity is our process to get you to complete clarity on your brand positioning, differentiation, personality, and brand strategy implementation.

Some Of The Brand Challenges We Help Solve

Re-energizing Brands

For when you need clarity and a way to reinvigorate your brand.
It often starts with us hearing something like “we don’t effectively tell people what we’re about.” We help brands that feel stagnant find their north star. And help uncover what’s at the soul of the brand, the“why”, how it’s positioned, it’s personality, and how it shows up in the world. It’s a shot of brand adrenaline.

Building New Brands

For when the canvas is blank.
From startups, to rebrands, internal brands, and those not yet born, we help build the foundation for success. Naming, identity design, brand guidelines, brand manifestos, launch videos, may be some of the outputs, but what we’re really delivering is the strategic foundation that will help the brand endure. It’s like your brand being born on third base.

Reimagining Differentiation

For when you’re swimming in a sea of sameness.
Have you ever looked at the competitive landscape and couldn’t tell what messaging was yours and what was from competitors? Or see everyone following the same formula? We crack the code on what distinguishes you and how it should be communicated. We’ll get you feeling comfortable and confident in your differentiation.

Brand Portfolio Optimization

For when things have gotten unwieldy.
When through mergers, acquisitions, or launching new brands over time, bloated and disparate brand portfolios can be costly and confusing to customers. And there are many nuances to navigate from differences in equity across regions to emotionally attached internal stakeholder. So we help define, devise, and declutter. Get ready to shed what’s weighing you down and get stronger.


We’ve taken tried and true tools and frameworks we’ve used in our years of experience, developed our own, and remixed others to create an approach that fits the modern world and removes the excess. The Brand Lucidity experience isn’t rigid, but rather adapts to what the unique brand challenge is in front of us.


Through research, stakeholder interviews, competitive reviews, market assessments, audits, opportunity analysis, and pre-collaboration exercises we get to the heart of what’s happening in your business, your industry, and start to formulate our hypothesis. We use this as the basis for our collaboration sessions together.

Collaboration Session

We lead a series of interactive discussions, exercises, and challenging questions, where our brand strategy begins to take shape. We get the right people in the room, engaged and co-creating. It’s here we unearth the gems before going off to polish them for brilliant clarity.


Defining Mission, Vision, Values, Identity, Personality, Tone, Brand Manifesto, Brand Positioning, Migration Plan, Application Strategy, and Guidelines may all be deliverables. But what we’re truly delivering is a purpose, a plan, and the lucidity of knowing exactly what your brand strategy is.


After going through the Brand Lucidity process with us you’ll feel focused, assured, and energized to bring your brand into its next growth stage.

Brands we've helped become brand lucid


Where Do The Collaboration Sessions Take Place?

We have held these sessions both in-person and virtually, but believe the in-person experience is optimal. We typically hold those at our clients’ offices, but we also host sessions at our “clubhouse” space in New Haven, CT. We’re flexible and work how it will be most efficient and effective.

How Long Is The Process?

The needs and deliverables dictate the length of the process. We’ve employed expedited versions of Brand Lucidity that have been as short as four weeks and have also engaged in long-term projects that have lasted twelve months.

What Is The Investment?

Each engagement is unique based on what will provide the most value to our clients. Expedited versions of our process start around the $20k range and more complex projects go into the six figures.