Top 5 “IDEAS” to Improve Your Facebook Fan Page

If you think having a standard Fan Page for your business will attract the potential number of fans your page could have, think again. Facebook users are bored of the typical mombo jambo. They want something more. Take the following IDEAS into consideration in order to make the most of your page.

Involve your fans
Designate your fans as the designers
Exclusive discounts for Facebook fans
Area-focused promotions
Send gifts

Typically when there is an expressed interest or relation with something, people usually have something to say. So why not incorporate that into your fan page? On Facebook, any random Joe can write on a wall or comment on a picture. Old news. So why not take it a step further and provide your fans with another outlet to express their feelings of your brand?

Example:Baby Gap Fan Page
To promote their line of denim wear, Baby Gap had created a tab that linked to a page where users could upload pictures of their babies wearing this apparel. This was a genius idea because think about it. Have you ever heard of a mom who doesn’t want to show off her baby? I didn’t think so.

Individualism. How many times have we heard these words? No matter where you are, people are always telling you to be yourself, express yourself, etc. Therefore, why not embrace it? Show your fans all of the potential looks and styles you can offer to personalize the items you intend to sell. This way, your fans can get a preview of what you can offer them.

Example:Dell – Design Studio
Dell created their fan page to be able to allow potential consumers to edit certain pieces of premade templates in which they could design for their laptops. They were also granted access to share their design with friends as well as directly link them for purchase options.

Who doesn’t love discounts? If there is a chance to save money, people are all over it. So why not implement it into your fan page. By offering fan-exclusive deals on certain products and services, the chances of people becoming a fan of your fan page significantly increase.

Example:Walgreens Fan Page
By simply mentioning discounts as their status, Walgreens generated more volume to their page without even breaking a sweat. By doing something as easy as updating their status (something anyone can do), they were able to draw in more fans.


From watching the news to reading a book, people instantly focus upon hearing something that has to do with themselves, in particular their area. By incorporating promotions based on different geographical locations, it will come off to the consumer that the brand really does care and is putting an extra effort to target individual consumers

Example:Adidas Fan Page
Adidas created a tab named “Your Area” which provided photos, videos and events which they were hosting in relation to the viewer’s area.

Now who doesn’t like presents? Even if it is virtual, getting a gift can always brighten someone’s day!

Example:The Home Depot – DIY Gifts Application
By allowing users to share gift purchases with friends, not only did they get a fun notification, but instantly were reminded of the brand.

Do you have any clever IDEAS or examples? We’d Love to hear them!

Some examples are from past promotions.
Promotion examples adapted from
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