True Life: Julia as a Response Intern

Meet Julia, age 20, Response’s new intern!

Attending Quinnipiac University, Julia is getting a head start on her career with her new internship! A marketing major and finance minor (wow!), Julia will be the first to admit that she can’t wait to get out into the real world. When asked what she wanted to do with life, she busted out some lyrics to Drake’s “Successful,” and proceeded to sing not to me, but at me! While her singing was quite entertaining, she noticed my alarm and proceeded to tell me that she planned on using her internship to find out her next step in life. But she did know that marketing was her calling, and she expressed to me how she wished to do it for the rest of her life!

And speaking of successful, Julia is quite that! In high school she was a tri-athlete and played field hockey, softball, and tennis! But even though high school is over, her active lifestyle has not ceased – she frequents Sleeping Giant, and once even accidentally ventured on the blue diamond trail…SCARY! For those of you who don’t know, it is comparable to rock climbing. And not only did Julia climb this with her friends, but it became dark out, and she had reached the point of no return. She had to finishing climbing to the top, and only then could she turn around. Would she ever find her way back down the mountain? Well friends, she did, but it took a lot of cell phone light to find her way back down. I’m sure she’ll never do that again!

I also learned that Julia does not joke around with making the moola – she has had more awesome jobs than I knew existed! She was able to get her tennis on as an instructor at a junior tennis club, and she also taught tennis at a summer camp for 2 years! She has also worked at Gap, Tommy Hilfiger, and Forever 21. All this talk about working, led us to a conversation about shopping, naturally. She made me aware of the fact that she loved working at Forever 21, because she was able to secretly hoard the clothes that she wanted before anybody else could get to them. I mean a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do!

In speaking to Julia, I learned quite an interesting fact about her. She is actually borderline obsessed with music, and has been to every Bamboozle and Warped Tour since her freshman year of high school! As she was telling me this, she actually cranked up some Bayside, and then we had a nice discussion about our favorite music, and what shows we had seen. I have to admit, that perhaps she has been to more concerts than I, but I admire her drive, and can only aspire to be that dedicated.

I forgot to mention that Julia is from….dun dun dun…the JERSEY SHORE! Actually, Little Silver, New Jersey! She told me how she snooks the night with JWOW in her spare time, and that she is not just best friends, but BFF with “The Situation”…..just kidding, but she does live five minutes from the beach, and often goes there with her friends. She loves to “ride around, blast the music, and make a big scene.” Who wouldnt?

Although Julia loves going to the beach, she really would like to go to Rome and Greece to see statues, and architecture, and HOTTIES of course! She really does love art though. She told me how she loves to draw, and at first did only portraits. Then she started to draw landscapes, and then she started to draw tattoo art! She wants a tatto, however she did not disclose to me what of. Perhaps a tennis raquet or a music note? It shall remain a mystery!

I did however delve into the “real Julia” and discovered a few interesting facts. She totally has crushes on Jake Gyllenhaal and Christian Bale – mega hotties! Her favorite movie however is Garden State, and her favorite color is black – not because it s gothic and creepy, but because “it matches everything.” I second that! You can find Julia eating spaghetti and meatballs, followed by apple pia a la mode! She would also die without chocolate, and likes it dark – at least 70% cacao! If she could be any fruit, it would be pineapple because it is exotic! She once dyed her hair deep red, and can make her tongue into a three-leaf clover! Out of the three surprise birthday parties she had (one of them for her sweet sixteen), she was surprised at all of them! But the best present she ever got was for her “sweet seven” and was a Barbie Jeep. She also had the Barbie Playhouse and got to romp around in a life size little house! She is sad though that she never had a my-size Barbie!

I learned alot about Julia, from her scary hiking incident to her musical obsessions and celebrity crushes. It has been a pleasure letting the world know the true life of Julia Nuara!