Facebook F8: Photo Opps Meet App Opps

Today Mark Zuckerberg announced 2 pretty huge changes to the Facebook platform:

1). The Timeline. This is an evolution of your profile and essentially shows your life history year by year. The most interesting part of all of this from a design perspective is that the space is wider than the old profile and alot more visual. There’s a giant area at the top for a photo or designed image that you can use to make a big, visual statement about you/your life. It may take some getting used to, but we think it’s pretty cool. Check out the facebook blog for details: Facebook Timeline

2). The Open Graph. This launches a new class of apps to Facebook. Ones that:

    • Are “frictionless” meaning less pop ups asking if you want to “publish” or “skip”, etc.
  • Beckon “realtime serendipity” meaning that they feed the ticker with what you are doing in real time, like listening to Adelle or watching “Mad Men” or buying tickets on StubHub or “Liking” a new website.
  • “Find Patterns”– just like Amazon.com, Pandora and Netflix work now– knowing what you like or don’t and serving suggestions or custom content based on your behavior.

We think Facebook users that love apps and don’t mind the whole world knowing what they are doing or experiencing will be really happy with this change… for everyone else it may be a bit too much “big brother” to handle.

All-in-all, we’re pumped up about the latest Facebook announcements… are you?