Break Into Spring The Right Way

When spring is in the air, Spring break is coming up on the calendar. Looking to escape at the first sign of warmth to faraway and exotic lands, there are a few rules one must follow. However, these are not the kind of rules to follow that prevent kidnapping. In honor of Response Marketing’s 10 year anniversary, we’re happy to bring you the top 10 tips to make the most out of your Spring Break.

  1. Lifting up your shirt is unnecessary unless you have a shirt on underneath with a funny phrase you want to show off.
  2. Beads are not the equivalent of money.
  3. Fruity drinks ARE allowed for both sexes. Who doesn’t love a strawberry daiquiri?
  4. If people leave you towels in the shape animals, the least you could do is leave a thank you note in the shape of money.
  5. Always remember WWYDIYWSIC: What Would You Do If You Were Still In College? And do it.
  6. If you don’t need sunscreen that’s at least SPF 50, you picked the wrong destination.
  7. Take pictures. Leave with memories.
  8. Embrace the fanny pack.
  9. Don’t drink the water.
  10. Your Spring break may not last forever, but tattoos do.

In closing, it would be ill advised to NOT remember any of the above and still expect to have a successful Spring break.

Stay tuned next month for our May Top 10 list.