Response Welcomes New Web Developer Steven Brien

Get To Know Steven & His Journey From Print Making To Web Developer

Imagine you’re just starting a new job in a new town. What’s the last thing you would want to do? If you answered, “Stand in front of the entire company as they peppered me with questions,” then you would be normal. Unfortunately for our latest member of the family, Steven Brien, there’s very little room for normal at Response. After being grilled by the team for about a half hour about everything from his favorite movies to his tattoo stories, we had a few more questions for our newest web developer.

Steven BrienKatherine Burek: Where are you from?
Steven Brien: I am from New Orleans, Louisiana. I grew up in the heart of the city.

KB: How would you describe the culture?
SB: New Orleans is a scrappy city, a determined atmosphere. The people give off a laid back vibe and it was a blast to grow up there.

KB: I’ve spent some time down in New Orleans and the food is amazing. What is your favorite thing to eat?
SB: The food is amazing! Of all the places I have lived, a po’boy from Louisiana is my favorite.

KB: For us northerners you have to define that.
SB: A po’boy food is like a traditional grinder or submarine sandwich. You can have any kind of meat, beef or even fried seafood served on a baguette roll.

KB: Music is such a large part of the culture in New Orleans. Are you a music fan?
SB: I love the lively music of the city. I am a musician and through high school played in a punk band. New Orleans was great for a small band because there were always places to play and renting out venues was not hard and cheap. (Laughs) One of my favorite places we played was the top floor of a fish-packing factory. We literally played everywhere.

KB: So was a career in music a dream job for you as a kid?
SB: Oh, that’s a hard one. I would say no. It was the influence of my father who was an architect. I grew up visiting dad at work climbing the ladders and floors of the buildings he designed.

KB: So how did you come to find yourself as a developer?
SB: It wasn’t until eighth grade when I took a BASIC programming class building websites. It was a very introductory class to Windows programming. I found the topic interesting and would still continue to grow in that area, even once I headed off to college.

KB: Where did you attend college? Was your major in developing?
SB: No. I went to Washington University in St. Louis to study print making.

KB: That’s a unique major. Once you graduated, where did that degree lead you?
SB: After graduation my partner Elysia and I opened a print shop in 2007. The hours in the early years were long and hectic. We worked with multiple advertising agencies printing their content.

KB: Are there any large companies you worked with we’d know of?
SB: Yes, some larger names were Woodford Reserve, that’s a bourbon company, and Adobe.

KB: Why did you stop that business?
SB: After five years in the business Elysia went on to Tennessee to pursue a graduate degree in printing. I realized how hard it was to run a business on my own, so we closed up shop. Having worked with agencies during those five years I had so many connections in the advertising world that it wasn’t till 2012 that I got my first job in developing.

KB: So how did you make your way up north?
SB: My brother, a record designer in Brooklyn, asked if I wanted to move to New York to help him with some developing projects. I moved to NYC and continued working with another agency.

KB: Would you say you miss printing?
SB: Yes, absolutely! I spent so long studying printing and developing a business, it’s a large part of my life.

KB: What are some aspects of the industry you work in now, marketing, that you love and loath?
SB: The marketing industry has become committed to good ideas, constantly evolving. The more difficult parts to manage can be client expectations. Not always knowing if your work is what they are looking for. Though I may dislike that part I love being challenge to produce those great ideas.

KB: Let’s switch gears. It’s Friday night at happy hour. What’re you drinking?
SB: Hmm on a Friday I’d be drinking a sour beer or old fashion whisky.

KB: If you could have one wild animal as a pet, what would it be?
SB: That’s easy, a Red Panda.

KB: Of all animals, why that one?
SB: Just Google one or watch it on YouTube and you’ll instantly see how cute it is.

KB: Name a place you’d love to visit that you’ve never been to before.
SB: Centralia, Pennsylvania.

KB: I’ve never heard of that town. What’s the significance?
SB: Since 1962 there was a mine fire and beneath the ground the town has been on fire ever since. Not too many people live there anymore.

KB: You just won a million dollars. What’s the first thing you’d buy?
SB: With a million dollars I’d purchase a million copies of the classic 1988 movie Heathers. There is a line very similar to this question in the movie, so of course I’d buy the movie.

KB: If you were a WWE wrestler, what would your name be?
SB: Colonel Michael “Lonely” Dukakis.

KB: Describe your ultimate pizza?
SB: Large.

KB: If you could spend 5 minutes with anyone alive, who would it be?
SB: This is a tossup: David Hahn, Tom Sachs, or Danny Lyon.

Clearly, Steven is a unique individual with a cool story. More clearly, Response is lucky to have him as a part of our team. Welcome aboard, Steven.