Bookmarking is Stressful

I read a lot online and have always used bookmarking apps to help me remember notable articles, so I was pleased to recently discover Diigo, a bookmarking app similar to the popular Delicious but that also contains highlighting functionality.

A cloud-based highlighting and bookmarking app was attractive because it created a space for me to store the best snippets and ideas from my reading. But after a few weeks all I have ended up with is a disorganized glob of out-of-context highlights, which have done little more than accumulate dust and stress me out. I need to highlight my highlights.

It’s overwhelming to hold on to everything we read online, even if we reduce it to the good stuff, because there’s still so much of it. It accumulates into an unwieldy beast which harms more than helps.

Of course, bookmarking and highlighting can still be valuable. I’m just trying to find that sweet spot between hoarding and nothingness.

More on this soon.

Reed Immer is a Digital Marketing Specialist at Response.