Bust Out The Grill, And Your Skills

When warm weather approaches, kitchens become a place for storage, and out of hibernation comes… “The Grill”.  With the grill, an average carrot becomes a smoky orange flavor vessel. A slab of meat transforms into a piece of nirvana.

And what better way to celebrate this portable piece of gadgetry that brings heat, flavor, and deliciousness together? Inviting hordes of people over and using the crap out of it.  However, while you’re in the presence of the grill, there are a few things you must know. In honor of our 10 year anniversary at Response Marketing, we’re going to tell you what they are.

The Top 10 tips for proper etiquette at a barbecue and in the company of “The Grill.”

  1. Respect the bun.
  2. Well-done isn’t meat done well.
  3. Having a thermometer isn’t for amateurs; it’s for people who don’t want E.coli.
  4. Remember that sugar and spice makes everything nice.
  5. It’s only grilling if you have a cold beverage in one hand and a spatula in the other. Anything else is just cooking.
  6.  If you go by “grill master”, you better be able to back it up.
  7. Sauces should enhance the flavor, not cover it up
  8.  If the desserts went untouched, pat yourself on the back for a grill well done.
  9.  A trifecta of meat should be on the grill at all times.
  10.  Stock up on napkins and wet naps.  You’ll thank us later.

In closing, it would be ill advised to not follow these tips and still expect a proper barbecue bonanza.

Stay tuned next month for our July Top 10 list.