The Sky Might Not Be Falling, But Summer Is Ending

Until global warming takes over, and the world is at a constant 300°F, summer is coming to an end. And much to the sadness of anyone who enjoys nice weather, beaches, grilling, and optimum vacation time, September is almost here. So how do you know when exactly summer ends and fall begins? In honor of our 10-year anniversary, and for all those summer enthusiasts out there, we’re proud to present…

The top 10 ways you know your summer is ending:

  1. No one ever passes on that 2nd cookie
  2. Everybody is talking about fantasy football
  3. Grilling means busting out your George Foreman
  4. When you’re not at work, it’s dark outside
  5. Bathing suits are swapped out for leggings and UGG boots
  6. Ice Cream is replaced with hot chocolate (not necessarily a bad compromise)
  7. The SPF people need for sun protection significantly decreases
  8. You don’t need to take a water bottle with you wherever you go
  9. You’re already looking forward to next May
  10. Back to school ads are everywhere, including at schools. (Rub it in much?)

Although it’s sad to see summer go, all is not lost…you get to look forward to our next Top 10 blog post.

Stay tuned and keep a look out for our September list.